Design and Perception

Written by Zarith Zaffryna Binti Khairul Anuar 68162

Common Fate


Law of Common Fate is the gestalt grouping law that states that elements that are moving together tend to be perceived as a unified group .when objects are associated with one another, then what happens to one happens to all. When we create a figure by grouping individual shapes, then if one shape moves, then the others must move too.


Due to our nature we will recognized a moving object more than a static as it is more clearly visible compare to static object, so it will better noted.


When you switch on the instant camera there will a light up at the symbols that is automatically determines the best brightness settings for taking a picture, and informs you of the suitable setting by lighting the corresponding lamp. The setting can be change by turning the dot to the lights to change the settings, this example has use law of common fate as it has grouping strategy as all the symbols displaying information of the setting.

Figure-Ground Relationship


Figure-ground refer the proneness of the visual framework to simplify a scene into the main object call the figure that we are looking and shapes around it which is the ground.The idea of figure-ground observation is well known outlined the exemplary “faces or vases” illusion,-Rubin vase.

Types of Figure Ground

This is a case of a logo which has a strong figure ground relationship. You can simply see the figure influence the ground here and both are has good clarity identifiable. “REBEL” which is the figure, is set against a dim foundation which is the ground.

Similarly, this logo has a steady figure ground relationship although there sre two kinds of forms influence the elements.

A reversible figure ground relationship is one in which the figure and the ground draw in equivalent attention This can have fascinating outcomes as it makes a kind of vagueness. There is space for the figure to controll over the ground and for the ground to control over the figure. This can form the logo. Here is a case of a reversible figure ground relationship. The observer is similarly guided to see the “W” inside the typography.

Law of Pragnanz


A set of not clear elements in a design or object (components that can be translated in various ways), they interpret the elements in the least difficult manner. A straightforward design of to the arrangement to have less instead more elements, having symmetrical as opposed to asymmetrical, and by generally searching the other Gestalt principles.


Above image curve and a half crescent moon,The picture is assemble a shape of sitting fox ,our perceptual system interpret it into the simplest form and close the gaps and perceive it as a fox. A Gestalt is formed out easily.

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