Design Decisions

Written by Equivalorenza Munah Anak Lembang 68373

Form Follows Function


Principle of architecture that states that the shape of structures is dictated by their function. 

Description of Beauty – beauty results from purity of function. This belief is false, since function follows form in nature. Despite this, functional aspects of a design are less subjective than aesthetic aspects and, therefore, functional criteria represent a more objective aesthetic than alternative approaches. Designs are more timeless and enduring, but also frequently perceived by general audiences as simple and uninteresting.

Prescription of Beauty – aesthetic considerations in design should be secondary to functional considerations. When time and resources are limited, design trade offs should be based on what does the least harm to the probability of success. Use the descriptive interpretation of form follows function as an aesthetic guide, but do not apply the prescriptive interpretation as a strict design rule.


Considered the driving principle of modern architecture and is often applied in other areas of design such as product design.

  • Conclude that the simplest, fastest and most accurate way
Explanation of illustration above

A type of pot, specialized for boiling water, with a lid, spout, and handle, or a small kitchen appliance of similar shape that functions in a self-contained manner. Kettles can be heated either by placing on a stove, or by their own internal electric heating element in the appliance versions.
In modern designs, once the water has reached boiling point, the kettle automatically deactivates, preventing the water from boiling away and damaging the heating element.A more upright design, the “jug”-style electrical kettle, can be more economical to use, since even one cup of water will keep the element covered. this design more simple and uninteresting design. But the design is very uses. Jug kettle is more functional than subjective.

Normal Distribution

Figure 2

Most important probability distribution in statistics because it fits many natural phenomena


Describes how the values of a variable are distributed.

  • Height
  • blood pressure
  • measurement error
  • IQ score
Explanation of illustration above 

 The normal distribution has many different shapes depending on the parameter values. However, the standard normal distribution is a special case of the normal distribution where the mean is zero and the standard deviation is 1. This distribution is also known as the Z-distribution.

A value on the standard normal distribution is known as a standard score or a Z-score. A standard score represents the number of standard deviations above or below the mean that a specific observation falls. For example, a standard score of 1.5 indicates that the observation is 1.5 standard deviations above the mean. On the other hand, a negative score represents a value below the average. The mean has a Z-score of 0.

Ockham’s Razor


Problem-solving principle that essentially states that “simpler solutions are more likely to be correct than complex ones


To do something in the simplest manner possible because simpler is usually better.


  • simple
  • more than 1 function
  • easy to carry

Explanation of illustration above

Paper clip is produce to hold a sheets of paper. but also, paper clip can be use for another function. Usually made of steel wire bent to a looped shape .
Thus a paper clip is a useful accessory in many kinds of mechanical work including computer work: the metal wire can be unfolded with a little force. 
 A paper clip can be used (unsafely) to temporarily bridge a blown fuse. The steel wire from a paperclip can be used in dentistry to form a dental post.
Paper clips can be bent into a crude but sometimes effective lock picking device. Some types of handcuffs can be unfastened using paper clips. There are two approaches. The first one is to unfold the clip in a line and then twist the end in a right angle, trying to imitate a key and using it to lift the lock fixator. The second approach, which is more feasible but needs some practice, is to use the semi-unfolded clip kink for lifting when the clip is inserted through the hole where the handcuffs are closed.

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